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Project Rules

TRX-hot.life - works automatically without the intervention of the Administration and other persons.
1.1.1 The project commission for withdrawal of funds is 0% of the amount withdrawn by the user (there is only a commission for the payment system, if any).
1.1.2 Withdrawal of funds without restrictions if the balance is greater than the minimum.
1.2 By registering in our system, you agree to these rules in full.
1.3 The administration is not responsible for any damage caused to you as a result of using this system.
1.4 At the time of registration, the user must be at least 18 years old from his date of birth.
1.5 Our service does not engage in any secondary activities with the investments of its users and does not expose them to corresponding risks.

The user has the right:
2.1 To purchase speed on your balance, speed is purchased by replenishing your balance.
2.2 Providing information and attracting new participants to the system using various advertising methods (websites, forum topics, social networks, etc.).
2.3 Send your wishes and feedback to the System in order to improve the System service.

The user undertakes
2.4 Comply with these rules in full.
2.5 Carefully read the terms of enrollment and payments.
2.6 Do not mislead the System Administration by providing false information.
2.7 At least once every three days, re-familiarize yourself with these rules.
2.8 If you find any malfunctions or some errors in the site script, contact the support service.
2.9 Do not attempt to hack the site and do not use possible errors in scripts. When attempting to hack, the administration has every right to delete, block or fine the user.
2.10 Do not publish offensive messages, slander or other types of messages that spoil the reputation of the system or its users.
2.11 Do not create chains of 2 or more consecutive registrations for the purpose of repeatedly receiving referral bonuses from each payment. If such chains are detected, the administration has every right to delete, block or fine the user.

Responsibilities and rights of the administration
3.1 If users ignore these rules, the administration reserves the right to delete, block or fine the user’s account without warning and without explanation.
3.2 The administration may make changes to these rules without warning users.
3.3 If a user has written false data in the registration, then the administration has every right to delete, block or fine him without warning and not pay money until the data in the profile is corrected.
3.4 Letters sent to the administration that have obscene content, are offensive or threatening will be ignored and users will be deleted.
3.5 If you try to mislead the administration (deception), measures will be taken to delete, block or fine your account.
3.6 The administration undertakes to maintain the confidentiality of the registered user’s information received from him during registration.
3.7 The administration is not responsible for possible hacking of accounts. To avoid hacking, you must use complex passwords if provided by the system.
3.8 The administration is not responsible for possible losses as a result of a system crash.
3.9 The administration has the right to restart the service with any credentials reset when the system account balance reaches zero.
3.10 In case of refusal to accept the new rules, the administration reserves the right to refuse the user further participation in our service.
3.11 Official news related to the project is only the news published on this website.

4.1 Users can make a deposit for any amount greater than the minimum, using a payment system or direct transfer, depending on which option is offered by the system.
4.2 The list of payment systems with which you can make deposits and withdrawals of funds can be adjusted by the administration.
4.3 Withdrawal of funds occurs automatically. If inaccurate or incomplete data about the withdrawal system is provided by the client, the withdrawal of funds does not occur, and the withdrawal application is rejected until all inaccuracies and data are corrected or clarified.
4.4 Applications for withdrawal of funds are accepted around the clock.
4.5 Orders for withdrawal of funds are processed with a delay of up to 60 minutes.

5.1 The administration DOES NOT GUARANTEE the return of the money invested; you make your deposits at your own peril and risk. We strongly recommend that you invest only amounts that you can afford to lose.
5.2 The administration is not responsible for any damage caused to you as a result of using this service.
5.3 The administration is not responsible for possible losses as a result of system shutdown. The resource does not accumulate the money supply, it redistributes it among participants; if the flow of newly arriving money decreases, then payments to participants will automatically decrease.
5.4 The Administration does not send unfounded electronic or other messages (spam) to Users.
5.5 The Administration is not responsible for temporary technical failures and interruptions in the work of the Project, for temporary failures and interruptions in the operation of communication lines, other similar failures, as well as for malfunctions of the computer from which the User accesses the Internet.
5.6 The Administration is not responsible to the User for the actions of other Users.
5.7 By registering, you agree to the terms of this agreement.
5.8 All possible complaints and feedback about the functioning of the system must be sent to the official email address of the project.
5.9 This website, including all information and materials provided on this site, is provided "as is", without warranties of any kind, either express or implied, including, but not limited to, the implied warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, or no errors.
5.10 This site is not intended to provide any tax, legal, insurance or investment advice, and nothing on this site should be construed as a recommendation, by us or any third party, to acquire or dispose of any investment.

Final provisions
This Agreement comes into force for the Partner from the moment of its registration and is valid for the entire period of cooperation in terms of non-disclosure of confidential information constituting a commercial or other secret.

  • Investors 82883
  • Deposit's sum 1131650.63
  • Paid out sum 713 990,59
  • Start time 09.05.2024

Online project statistics:

Login / wallet Activity Deposit Earned
TYyH0cF6hK2CXWEnrq8*...* 17.02.2025 08:20 48 66.817833
T6es40W2DNYAJMcEhqg*...* 17.02.2025 08:15 130 78.412778
TcEOXkfzRxCMr53H2Bm*...* 17.02.2025 08:10 130 101.003333
TejWtYo0xXvFUaCpR8c*...* 17.02.2025 08:05 50 53.976111
T6XU2EbCBLueMyvG8cT*...* 17.02.2025 08:00 100 185.290648
TU2eanHsIQOENpAVwk1*...* 17.02.2025 07:55 120 52.059444
TY8eoDCkF5JUMTjymEt*...* 17.02.2025 07:50 20 319.919352
TkGA5f9dp7bKzaeILiZ*...* 17.02.2025 07:50 50 67.062083
T5PsvmpT4cVS96FxWXi*...* 17.02.2025 07:45 20 31.035463
T0y5uIpLhZvsBoRYUK4*...* 17.02.2025 07:40 33 0.339014
TCzHOkepmFfLXiU2hNA*...* 17.02.2025 07:40 20 10.513333
TUeTEMShn6twVRP3IFc*...* 17.02.2025 07:35 110 134.826111
TGbWYTpvjXOgeZoFxd3*...* 17.02.2025 07:30 110 113.128889
TOF3iI6yeHLa78DE9uB*...* 17.02.2025 07:25 20 223.187778
TEmPGAfKkrJzOxMQV0e*...* 17.02.2025 07:20 50 75.860880
TUAg7XzSpDQaI8rGyRm*...* 17.02.2025 07:15 33 320.637625
T4UaSvBXjdmolhGyJq9*...* 17.02.2025 07:15 100 104.900648
TbvamSpnUYHoIF54iw0*...* 17.02.2025 07:10 120 2.232778
T5gNFUdjuiToSrb8z0t*...* 17.02.2025 07:10 105 30.099514
TiNTjUI7Z2DsO9a1rkv*...* 17.02.2025 07:05 130 2.599398
TiDb36VlWL9SsKko5mY*...* 17.02.2025 07:05 56 93.163556
T63IywiH1kzJEcxf0p7*...* 17.02.2025 07:00 200 405.353708
TD82XAB30vr6heqoaFM*...* 17.02.2025 06:55 20 0.455463
T0iFPtCXSvohU2D5eOu*...* 17.02.2025 06:55 50 55.588333
TXkjDiuKJ3BWcQMZqEA*...* 17.02.2025 06:50 200 277.301111
Tl9m5QagTB6SPkCFRYz*...* 17.02.2025 06:45 20 20.688889
TyWipe1GVu4LSTCAEsQ*...* 17.02.2025 06:40 56 82.616667
TCgNUpS3yxB2K1DhE9d*...* 17.02.2025 06:35 200 126.493519
Tf5YiHkvZB61QG93ydC*...* 17.02.2025 06:30 25 0.742940
TGc8sWRyDnOAN7TeBqC*...* 17.02.2025 06:30 200 181.770370
TQ94p0ytfi6FJ3dcDHY*...* 17.02.2025 06:25 54 1.679500
TcOqsvAHij5XZK2NGdo*...* 17.02.2025 06:25 15 5.487500
TijlmReVD1k7C6Yzfsd*...* 17.02.2025 06:20 200 254.469769
T8D6AWCkNdiRtFy2car*...* 17.02.2025 06:15 100 469.519843
TSHN8xMmOC1eW6a2GEK*...* 17.02.2025 06:10 25 0.881829
TEtdm7Wig8KuGIvUMnJ*...* 17.02.2025 06:10 200 143.433333
TQGrFguzhKHJkYT7iqc*...* 17.02.2025 06:05 50 34.332778
TzaLp50jGmOCogAcbrP*...* 17.02.2025 06:00 50 42.251759
Tn7Xi9klwN53qAf8SBp*...* 17.02.2025 05:55 120 196.601111
T2IgtCfSBKqiy0QZ97U*...* 17.02.2025 05:55 100 43.663333
Updated once per minute.